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Ali prosperous: to create, to create a company To create co., LTD

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E-mail: szncgc@qq.con

China baoan district shenzhen city new sheng road hexi industrial park

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2012 plastics industry development
Release date:2015-05-27 15:32:08

The country has introduced a series of economic plans and ten major industrial revitalization plan, which will stimulate the demand and consumption of plastic products, and promote the development of plastic industry. Governments have introduced various measures to rescue the market, including 4 trillion yuan of investment project, plan to implement the ten measures to expand domestic demand, especially which speed up the construction of affordable housing projects, accelerate the construction of rural infrastructure, to speed up the construction of railways, roads and airports and other major infrastructure, accelerate the transformation of the urban power grid and other major engineering will be applied to PVC plastic products. Has been introduced in the implementation of the restructuring and revitalization of the planning of the automobile, electronic information, light industry and other multiple industry, is PVC plastic products series, use and consumption of large, plastic plays a key role in promoting the development of feed industry. (data source: National Bureau of Statistics)

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86-0755-29960078 fax: 86-4006-981163-4006

Mobile: 13380345123 contact: Hu Sheng

Ali prosperous: to create, to create a company To create co., LTD

Tencent QQ: 1099152811, 1822354466

E-mail: szncgc@qq.con

China's guangdong province shenzhen baoan district new sheng road hexi industrial park

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